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Review: Anskin Collagen Modeling (Rubber) Mask

Hey guys! Now, from the title, you might be wondering, "What in the world is a rubber mask?!!!" Well apparently these rubber masks (a.k.a modeling masks) are a Korean beauty product that is supposed to firm, hydrate, nourish, and brighten the skin. I know right, so many claims, but are any of them true?

Right on the tub, this masks claims to be anti-aging and firming. Now I don't have mature skin so I probably shouldn't have bought this mask, but it had the most reviews on Amazon and Ebay and seemed to be the most popular. This product contains 700 ml of product and costs anywhere between $10- $15 on Amazon and Ebay. Considering the amount of product that you get, I would say that this product is pretty inexpensive.

The product comes in a plastic tub and on the inside there is a sealed plastic bag with white powder inside. The powder is heavily scented and is very finely milled. When I cut open the bag quite a lot of powder flew up into the air. Going back to the scent, this product is very very heavily scented. ( I repeat, it is extremely scented, you have been warned!!) It smells very florally, kind of like grandma floral mixed with the smell of a motel, and once applied to the face the scent lingers for basically the whole time.

This particular mask claims to," sagging, skin droop and aging skin...maintain skin elasticity...has a regeneration effect for damaged cell regeneration, and maintain Skin elasticity, shine, and moisture." So basically this mask will hydrate, moisturize, and add elasticity back into your skin.

To mix up the mask you need a mixing bowl and a spoon. I used around 2 heaping spoonfuls of powder and just added water until the mask reached my desired consistency. Once you start mixing you'll quickly realize that this mask has a very interesting texture. It has a very thick glue like consistency and makes weird noises when you stir it vigorously. Unlike some clay masks, the powder and water easily mix together and you are left with little to no clumps. After thoroughly missing you need to work quickly or else the mask will dry up. I find that using your fingers or the back of a spoon is the easiest way to apply the mask. A foundation brush doesn't really work because you want to have a thick layer of the mask all over your face. Try to make the edges of your mask a little bit thicker, so it will be easier to peel off, and make sure the consistency of the mixture isn't too runny or else it will slowly drip down your face while drying.

Immediately during and after application your face will feel very cool and relaxed. This mask would be great to wear on a hot summer day. The mask takes around 10-15 minutes to dry. After peeling the face mask off, my face still felt very cool. The mask peels off very easily and doesn't hurt at all. I didn't apply a thick enough layer when taking the pictures so the mask didn't come off in one piece. On the peeled off mask you can clearly see the texture of your skin which is slightly creepy but satisfying at the same time. As to the effects, the mask didn't really do much. My skin felt more firm and tightened, especially around my forehead, but I don't think it nourished or hydrated my skin.

For me, this mask isn't worth the money. It's fun to do and would be great if you were planning to do this during a girl's night or a sleepover, but there aren't any real benefits.

Some people say that the mask made their blackheads disappear, brightened their skin, and improved their skin texture, but I personally saw none of that. So I guess it's up to you to decide. I feel that if you had more mature skin, this product might be more beneficial, but I can't guarantee that you will see amazing results. Out of 5 I would rate this product a 2 out of 5. Again the pros were, it was fun, easy to clean up, interesting, and tightened my skin a bit. The cons were the horrible smell, the inconvenience of making the mask, and the little to nonexistent results. Again you might have better results with this mask, but I can't say for certain. Anyways I hope this review has helped you and I wish you all a great rest of your day!

-Kat <3


Just a typical girl who loves

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anything sugary.

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