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Mini Review: Forever 21 Exfoliating Gloves

Hey guys! I'm back again with another review!! Now I don't know about you, but whenever I go to Forever 21 I always always always get sucked in by the beauty products located at the register. No matter how much self control I have that day, the products just suck me in and before I know it, I have a handful of random stuff that I don't need. On one particular trip to Forever 21, I happened to spot these beautiful bright blue gloves. Upon further examination I noticed that they were exfoliating gloves and they were ONLY $1.90!!!!! Can you even believe it?!!! Less than $2 for a pair of exfoliating gloves!!

Just by looking at the gloves, they seem pretty tiny, but once they come in contact with water they become much more stretchy and will probably fit any size finger.

However, the wrist band part is really really small. I have a smaller than average wrist size and the gloves feel pretty tight on me. After wearing the gloves for a few minutes I can feel my blood circulation beginning to be cut off, so keep that in mind if you are considering to purchase them.

When actually using the gloves in the shower, I noticed that they weren't as rough as I was hoping for them to be. When I exfoliate, I want something that will take off that outer layer of skin and leave me with nice baby butt smooth skin. I want a deep exfoliator so I only have to exfoliate once a week. These gloves were somewhere in-between the mild and extreme in exfoliating strength. They were gritty enough to not be able to be used every day, but not gritty enough to not have to exfoliate for a week.

I used the gloves by first applying a dollop of shower gel to the gloves, then lathering the shower gel in-between my hands. This way I get an even distribution of shower gel all over the gloves which makes it easier to exfoliate my skin. The gloves make it really easy to get into smaller spaces such as your ankles and they are also great for exfoliating your knees and elbows.

However, the quality of these gloves aren't the best. After a few uses, I could already see a tiny rip happening in-between the thumb and the pointer finger, but for the price you pay, that's to be expected.

In all, the gloves are great for an average exfoliator. They aren't too extreme or too gentle, they're great if you just want a mild exfoliation. The gloves make your skin feel pretty soft and are extremely easy to use. They dry quickly and are capable of being stored in smaller spaces. These gloves get a big thumbs up from me!




Just a typical girl who loves

lip products, beauty, and 

anything sugary.

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