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D.I.Y. Hair Serum

Hi y'all! Today I'll be showing you how to make your very own hair serum without all the nasty chemicals and other additives that are found in normal serums. This serum not only nourishes your hair, but also smooths down any frizziness or fly aways!! Without further ado let's get started!!!!

To make the serum nice and thick you will be needing (drum roll please...) Aloe Vera Gel!! Aloe Vera Gel not only gives the serum its texture, but it also helps conditions your hair. If you apply aloe vera gel directly to the scalp, it will help soothe, nourish, and moisturize it. It also smooths down your hair and gives it some beautiful shine.

Next up is any oil(s) of your choice. Some examples of oils are jojoba oil, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, castor oil, argan oil, macadamia oil, etc. To help choose what oil you should choose I have created a short list down below, but feel free to do some research on your own.


Jojoba Oil: Protects hair from splitting and feeling dry. Suitable for dry and damaged hair.

Coconut Oil: Hair follicles absorb the oil. Adds softness and shine. Prevents hair from breaking.

Sweet Almond Oil: Strengthens your hair. Helps nourish damaged hair.

Castor Oil: Very thick oil. Promotes hair growth. Contains healthy omega fatty acids.

Argan Oil: For extremely dry and coarse hair. Contains lots of vitamins and antioxidants.

Macadamia Oil: Lots of fatty acids. Nourishes brittle hair, helps reduce frizz.


Some tools that you will need are:

Mixing cup




Container to store serum

I personally have pretty fine hair so I chose oils that were lightweight and wouldn't weigh down my hair. The 2 oils that I chose were sweet almond oil and jojoba oil. (You don't have to choose 2 you can just choose one.) My hair is not that damaged, but I have a lot of baby hairs and random pieces that just stick out from my head so I added more Aloe.

This recipe is completely customizable and can be tweaked to fit your needs. For finer hair I recommend using less oil and more aloe vera gel, or a 1 to 1 ration. If you have dryer and coarser hair use more oil for a 2 to 1 ration (oil to gel). The recipe down below is for peeps who have thinner to normal ish hair.



2 heaping tablespoons of Aloe Vera Gel

2 tablespoons of oil

**Optional: A few drops of essential oil for smell and/or 1 tablespoon of water/rose water to thin the consistency out



1. Measure out the desired amounts of gel and oil.

2. Place Aloe and oil into a cup and mix with a fork.

3. Add more water if the consistency is too thick.

4. Pour into your desired container!! (If you are using a dropper bottle and you have no funnel, you can just use the dropper and transfer the product to your container)


Ta Da!!! With these 4 easy steps you have your very own hair serum that will leave your hair smooth, shiny, and just flipping fantastic!! Smooth down those flyaway and nourish your dry hair all with one simple product.

Thanks for visiting!!



Just a typical girl who loves

lip products, beauty, and 

anything sugary.

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