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Review: Clean and Clear Blackhead Eraser Cleansing Mask

We have another Clean and Clear product to review today!! As you know, I have extremely oily skin and with oily skin comes a lot of build up. A lot of build up ends up leading to pesky blackheads that just won't go away. So when I saw this product and its low price point I decided to give it a whirl.

The mask contains 4 oz of product and costs around $6. Unlike other Clean and Clear products, the tube is much slimmer and shorter. On Clean and Clear's website the product claims to," loosen blackheads while leaving a refreshing and tingling clean". Straight off the bat , I can tell you that this mask definitely does leave your face feeling refreshed and clean. When you squeeze out the mask, you will see that the product has a bluish tint to it. The product also has a weird texture. It kind of reminds me of Elmer's glue, but much thicker. Coincidentally, the mask smells a bit like glue.

The instructions are to," apply a thin layer..avoiding mouth and eye. Let dry 5 minutes or until mask turns white. After the mask has dried, rinse thoroughly." Once applied to the face, your face will immediately feel cool and a slight tingling (borderline burning) feeling will occur. If you have sensitive skin, I wouldn't really recommend this product for you. For everyone else, I recommend that you test the product on a patch of skin before applying this to your whole face. After the recommended 5 minutes I found that the mask was still not dry. Some parts of the mask were still light blue while other sections were bright white. I waited longer until the entire mask was white before I washed it off. In the last few minutes I could still faintly smell the mask and feel the cooling sensation, but on top of all of this my face felt extremely itchy. During this time, I had an incredible urge to just splash water on my face and rinse it off, but the mask was unfortunately not done drying. When the mask dries it really tightens your skin and absorbs oil.

Surprisingly, the mask is fairly easy to wash off. I just used water and my hands to rinse the product off. However, I was not very happy with the results that I saw. My blackheads were still there and there wasn't any noticeable difference in my skin. The blackheads might have been a little less obvious, but not enough for anybody else to notice with the naked eye. My skin felt tight, cold, and a little smoother, but that was all. I also tried it as a spot treatment since it contains some salicylic acid. It didn't dry out my pimple or really treat it, but it did help bring the pimple to the surface of the skin.

For me, this product is not worth all the hassle. It didn't really do what I wanted it to do, which is significantly lessen the appearance of my blackheads. Now I don't know if it is just me, because based off of the reviews on Amazon and Clean and Clear, a lot of people really like this product. So if you just want to try something new and you don't have sensitive skin or really bad blackheads, this product might work for you. However, I would only rate this product a 1 1/2 out of 5.

As always, thank you for taking the time to read this post and see you all next time!



Just a typical girl who loves

lip products, beauty, and 

anything sugary.

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